Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Journey through the Heart: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2   Video Transcript:   It’s very important that we don’t allow these fears to overcome us and to drive us into, um,sort of a frenzy of behavior that that actually...
Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 1

Journey through the Heart: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones   Video Transcript:   Salamu alaikum, everyone. Welcome. The next question that has arose is,how can we protect our children and families from the negative influencesin the...
Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: Divine Names of Creation & the Senses

Journey through the Heart: Divine Names of Creation & the Senses   Video Transcript:   So let’s take a short. Look at al -Alim .A-L-I-M with the ayn as the first letter. Is the All-Knowing and the omniscient? And this name symbolizes God’s...
Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: Divine Names of Creation

Journey through the Heart: Divine Names of Creation   Video Transcript:   Salaam, alaikum everyone. Welcome. Peace be with you.And today I’d like to speak to you a little bit about the Divine names.for creation The there are four basic names that are...
Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: How do we use the Divine Names of God?

Journey through the Heart: How do we use the Divine Names of God?   Video Transcript: What I love about the Divine that As you purify these names within your heart and you begin to embody these Divine names. This enlivens your heart and strengthens your...
Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: What are the Divine Names of God?

Get Your FREE Full Moon Sufi Dhikrs Monthly Journey through the Heart: What are the Divine Names of God?   Video Transcript: So let’s talk a little bit about the nature of the divine names of God. This is a concept that’s known in many different...
Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: How to Hold the Longest Nights of the Year

Journey through the Heart: How to Hold the Longest Nights of the Year   Video Transcript:   All right, so everyone. You know, we are at a dark time of the year, you know, the December 21st is the darkest day of the year. But the beauty of December 21st,...
Video: How To Help Protect Our Families & Loved Ones Part 2

Video: Looking Forward to 2023

Journey through the Heart: Looking Forward to 2023   Video Transcript: So we’re at the end of the year. And the new year is about to give birth to itself. And I always say that the yearly cycle the solarcycle is about activity movement and growth....