Thank you for joining our email list! We would like to invite you to a special course with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
The 3 Inner Voices
A Sufi Training for Discerning Who
You’re Listening to in Your Head
A Welcome Letter from Salima, Kamila and Dr. Jaffe
Dear Friends on the Journey,
With the many distractions competing for our attention, we can often feel pulled in hundreds of directions at once. You may be asking yourself:
“How can I keep this feeling going every day?”
“What can I do now to be more aligned?”
“Where can I learn more?”
After we awaken to the truth that there is more to be had when we foster our connection with God, we begin to question what our next steps are.
And as we do, it is important to also ask yourself:
“What voice am I listening to?”
At the Institute for Spiritual Healing, one of the core teachings is to be able to discern what inner voices you are listening to.
Is it that of the ego? Is it the voice of the darkness, or saboteur?
Or are you listening closely to the voice of God as it guides you toward a loving new life and reality?
Without even being aware of them, these voices dictate the choices we make and either lead us to joy and freedom or they bring us into pain and unhappiness.
For those that aren’t sure which voice they are listening to in their lives, I have released a teaching that helps you understand the difference between each one and how each affects your life.
We are thrilled to introduce to you, the 7-part audio series: The 3 Voices by Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe.
I am a physician, Sufi Master Healer, and Spiritual Guide who has been practicing and teaching Spiritual Healing in the Sufi way for over twenty years.
I will teach you how to discern which voice is most prevalent in your life, and how to listen to the true voice of God in its boundless love and guidance. Easing depression, anxiety, and bringing peace to your life in each and every moment.
In this 7-part audio series you will learn about:
- The Voice of the Self
- The Voice of Darkness
- The Voice of the Divine
God’s infinite love can only be listened to from the deep heart, and you need nothing more than to know how you FEEL when listening to a voice to know whether it is for your highest good or not.
All faiths and all paths are welcome.
Peace & Blessings,
Ibrahim Jaffe, MD
Salima Maxine Adelstein, M.Ed., D.D.
Kamila Carolyn Shenmen, Ph.D., M.Div.

“Stop the noise and you will hear his voice in silence.“
– Rumi
What are The 3 Inner Voices?
In Sufism, there are three main voices that impact our lives as a whole. The voice that rings the loudest within you – though it may not be the voice with your highest good behind it – will hold the most power over your daily life. Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe discusses the differences between the three voices, and how to distinguish which of them is currently at the forefront of your life.
The first of the three voices is what Sufism refers to as the voice of the Self. This can be many smaller voices of your inner child, the controller, the protector, or even the parts of you that feel afraid. All of these subpersonalities exist to create the voice of the Self, but one eventually rises above the others to create the primary voice of Self within you. This is often the voice we are most aware of.
The second of the three voices is what Sufis refer to as the voice of Darkness. This is the saboteur that can come from within us, or outside of us. It often comes in the form of others’ voices that live in our subconscious minds. Affecting everything we do, and pressing us toward fear rather than love as we try to heal our wounds.
The third and final voice is the one that rises above the rest and will come to mean the most in your life. It is known as the voice of God, and it can come to us in the form of Angels or direct transmissions from behind the veil. This is the voice that leads you to your highest, holiest, and healthiest life. Though there will still be trials in order to grow and learn, the voice of God will lead you to the path of least resistance. To the path that is made for you, not one that simply happens to you.
As multifaceted, multidimensional beings, we must address the different voices within ourselves and learn which of them are here to help us expand, and which ones keep us in a state of disease. Follow Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe as he addresses the different processes and voices in which you can find the answers that you seek, and find healing on God’s path for you.
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe is a physician, Sufi Master Healer, and Spiritual Guide pioneering Illuminated Spiritual Healing (ISH) – the integration of western medicine and spiritual practice to heal disease and improve health and wellbeing. After studying and witnessing healing from many spiritual healing traditions including Hindu, Kundalini, Homeopathy, Tibetan Medicine Buddha, Japanese Zen, Philippine psychic surgeons, South American shamans, Hawaiian Kahuna and more, Dr. Jaffe discovered the spiritual healing of the Sufis.
“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.“
– Rumi
Understanding the 3 Inner Voices Audio Series:
[Over 6 Hours of Audio Teachings and Transmissions]
We are always listening to different, subtle voices and thoughts that create our belief systems and upon which we act everyday. Without even being aware of them, these voices dictate the choices we make and either lead us to joy and freedom or they bring us into pain and unhappiness. By learning to discern and open to listening to your highest voices, you can start receiving clear guidance and living a life with much deeper clarity and wisdom.
The Voice of the Self
These are the voices of our sub-personalities that we have developed over time. We have different ones that dominate at different times in our lives. These are guided by learned beliefs and outer witnessing.
The Voice of Darkness
Also known as the voices of despair because they are motivated by deep fear. It can come from deep within the subconscious or from outer influences. They generally always keep you from the light or what is good for you.
The Voice of the Divine
This is what is called the “Angelic” voices. They provide direct guidance from the Divine and provide wisdom that is beyond what your mind can perceive on its own. This voice brings a deep peace and joy into your life.
The 3 Inner Voices:
A Sufi Training for Discerning Who
You’re Listening to in Your Head
with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
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Here’s What You’ll Receive:
Seven 45-Minute Long Audio Recordings
Total Value: $197
All for $97
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We want to make it as easy as possible to say yes and tap into these teachings that have transformed each one of us at deep levels. So, we are inviting you to try them out for 10 days. If you don’t feel that you are benefitting from the spiritual work inside we will issue you a full refund as long as it is submitted before the 10 day period is over.