Institute of Spiritual Healing
School of Healing and Spiritual Transformation
Level 1: 18-Month Curriculum (Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
*APIIRTB Healing System: APIIR Teaches Beautifully
“Healthcare, today, is moving towards a more unified healing system, incorporating medical knowledge with spirituality, love, and compassion, allowing for an increased understanding and healing of diseases and their causes.”
– R. Ibrahim Jaffe, M.D.
Meet Your Teacher
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
He earned his medical degree as a general practice physician from the University of Illinois.
In addition to being recognized as a Master Healer and Teacher within the Sufi tradition, he has studied and traveled worldwide teaching Advanced Energy Healing, an etheric approach to diagnosis and healing of illness, including teaching at the United Nations and Harvard Divinity School.
Dr. Jaffe is a prolific speaker who brings forth a message of hope, healing, peace, and oneness for people of all faiths through the tenets of Sufism and the understanding of spiritual healing. He speaks on many topics including Sufism, spirituality, and spiritual healing. He also speaks about healing the blocks to manifesting our inner brilliance and finding and developing true spiritual and loving relationships. His healing work has also led to deep understanding of how to heal conflict and bring peace. His goal is to provide spiritual healing and guidance for people seeking to heal or transform their lives, illnesses, or organizations.
Meet the Faculty
Salima Maxine Adelstein
Bianca Jannah Guerra
Judith Sharifa Keith
Rahma Monica Lang
Rahma was born and raised in Mexico City, is the mother of 2 beautiful daughters, and is fluent in both Spanish and English…
Cindy Yasmine Libman
Diane Hamida Moriarty
Anton Nasir Possenig
Salima Linda Sanford
Kamila Carolyn Shenmen
Phil Latif Sorensen
About the Program
- Module 1: Establishing Your Divine Connection (A—Sacred Sound of God)
- Module 2: Discover the Pattern (P—Pattern)
- Module 3: Finding the Hidden Images (I—Images)
Module 4: Discovering the Issues (I—Issues)
Module 5: Resolving the Images/Issues (R—Resolution)
You will be able to join us either LIVE, for our onsite session, or participate ONLINE via Zoom from anywhere in the world. Video replays will be available in case you miss a class or would like to review.
Our Mission
At the Institute of Spiritual Healing, our mission is to help individuals understand and heal from psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of disease. The Institute works to integrate ancient spiritual healing methods with conventional western and complimentary medicine so that the individual may have the best possibility of healing. The Institute also teaches purification methods of the heart and soul that lead to Oneness and Unity with the Divine.
Our Vision is to open the hearts of humanity to the reality of Divine love, gnostic understanding and complete healing.
The End Result…
At the Institute we aim to help people connect to God and to live their life in the presence of the Divine Light, purify hearts and souls so they can manifest a truly holy and healthy life.
Register Today for this Special Online Program:
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Payment Plan:
18-Monthly Payments of
Special Offer!
Not sure if you are ready for the entire 18-month program?
We invite you to join us for MODULE 1 without having to commit to the whole program.
Module 1 Special Offer:
Discount $1700 – 1st Module Only:
For more information, questions or help deciding whether this is the right program for you…
1-888-237-5233, Ext. 1 or email Nahida at:
I ) Programs Offered by the Institute of Spiritual Healing (ISH) separately and in conjunction with the University of Sufism (UoS):
Level 1: ISH (18-month program)
- Spiritual Healer and Sufism Certification from ISH
Level 2: UoS (18-month program)
Level 3: UoS (18-month program)
- Masters of Divinity and Advanced Spiritual Healing and Sufism Practitioner Certification
The Institute of Spiritual Healing program runs for 18 months incorporating five sessions (modules) of 5-days each and 3 monthly intersession classes lasting 2 hours each. The 3 monthly intersession classes are separated approximately 10 days apart and consist of teachings on Spiritual Healing, personal practicum with Q&A and teachings on Sufism and the walking back to the Divine via the path of the heart. Each student will have direct access to a Master Healer teacher for check-ins, feedback, Q & A’s and personal healings, if desired.
II ) Overview of the Institute of Spiritual Healing-Level 1 Program:
a) Introduction to Spiritual Healing: What is Spiritual Healing?
By transforming the inner, hidden dimension of illness we can often change the course of the outer manifestation of disease. This is done through direct accessing of the light of God which then can help purify and transform these inner causes of illness.
This method of healing has helped heal physical and psychological diseases, which include advanced heart disease (atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure), cancer (breast, lung and others), pulmonary disease (asthma and COPD), thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s), infectious diseases (Lyme, etc.), depression and anxiety disorders, and many others. Your illness may also respond to this system of healing.
b) The most important part of healing is learning how to connect to the Divine light of love, wisdom and support. Miracles, knowledge and direct healing can come from this Divine light.
c) What will you learn in the Institute of Spiritual Healing?
- How to find the true causative factors of disease.
- Discover how to listen to what your body, mind, and spirit are communicating to you
- Discover how to heal through your heart and your divine connection.
- Find your unconscious beliefs, hidden images, and subtle issues and learn how this can help in healing your disease.
- Learn how Spiritual Healing (SH) can work with western medicine, and other healing methods, for complete healing of disease and illness.
- Understand how to help create the possibility for spontaneous remission, or miraculous healing of your disease.
- Learn how to live a more noble and fulfilled life.
- You will be introduced to the 99 Beautiful Names of God, the Divine. You will be taught how to access and use these Names for direct healing, wisdom, spiritual diagnosis and guidance. Your ability to align with, receive, and transmit these Attributes will lead to amazing success in the healing process.
- You may discover the depth of your heart and use its incredible capability to evolve into a heart-centered healer.
- You may obtain understanding around how to give and receive the love and compassion that people really need to heal their disease and suffering.
- By the end of the program, you will learn about the 6 basic steps of Spiritual Healing (SH) and may begin to apply these steps (possibly even to others if you feel called).
November 2024!
All classes are available ONLINE via Zoom. Video replays will be available.
Current ISH Level 1 (18-month program)
November 9-13, 2024
Februrary 15-19, 2025
July 10-14, 2025
November 6-10, 2025
March 7-11, 2026
Special Offer to Join Module 1!
Choose your payment option below:
Enroll Today:
One-time payment:
Payment Plan:
18-Monthly Payments of
Module 1 Special Offer:
Discount $1700 – 1st Module Only:
– Or-
If you would like to discuss a different payment option or learn more about whether this is the right program for you…
1-888-237-5233, Ext. 1 or email
Here’s Everything You’ll Receive in Level 1:
ISH 18-Month Curriculum
(Modules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
MODULE 1: Establishing Your Divine Connection
This is where you will learn to…
- Understand and connect with the Divine Light of God that brings forth healing and transformation.
- Interpret the power of the Sacred Sound of “A”—phonetic “Ah”—representing the Divine and found in all true names of God
- Connect to your heart to facilitate heart-based self-healing and spiritual evolution
- Understand how the connection to God leads to the deepest form of healing
- Practice Divine Remembrance which returns you to your Divine connection and opens your inner reality
- Create an effective personal prayer (dua) that opens the path to healing and love
- See how the name of God is written on your hand and how to use it in the healing process
- Bring forth love and forgiveness so healing can occur more easily
MODULE (Session) 1: Teachings
- Overview of understanding how to heal disease and purify oneself
- Nature of three levels
- Divinity and humanity inter play
Interviewing the self and others to find keys and key feelings - Using questions to evoke hidden causes
- Body language and hidden issues
- Unity with God and religions, no separation
- Nature of mercy as light and lifestyle
MODULE (Session) 1: Perception
- Feeling and identifying the light
- Hearts perception and feeling vs solar plexus
- Evoking AND finding key feeling
- Perceiving feelings of NAFS vs heart
- Observing pattern change
MODULE (Session) 1: Skills
- From head to heart
- Opening the heart to Divine love
- Containment of process
- Containment of heart
- Determining one’s spiritual framework
- Determining one’s connection to God
- GIVING: containment
MODULE (Session) 1: Healing Methods
- Personal Prayer (Dua) with the descent of Divine light
- Sounding, voicing, miming
MODULE (Session) 1: Disease
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or other
- Anatomy & physiology of the thyroid gland
MODULE (Session) 1: Spiritual and Sufi Knowledge
- Connection to God—alignment
- Dua (Personal Prayer) or Fatiha (Opening Prayer)
- Definition of ship of safety—in spiritual terms
- First Station of the NAFS (Desirous nature)
- Book: He Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord—First Station
- Book: Music of the Soul—First Station. NAFS 1.1-3
MODULE 2: Discover the Pattern
You will learn…
- How to find and transform the hidden, subtle pattern of light that causes disease
- Deeper teachings on the FSP (Feeling—Sense—Pattern)
- Secrets of healing in the Sufi tradition
- How to identify the inner problem that leads to the formation of the pattern
- The inner voices of the pattern which reveal why the pattern was created
- How to open the pattern to discover its inner reality where hidden memories and pain are stored that are causing illness and suffering
- To align more deeply with the Light of the Divine to facilitate healing and transformation
- The practice self-healing and purification while working with others in dyads
MODULE (Session) 2: Teachings
- Walking heart deeper
- Understanding patterns and dynamics
- Opening the heart and loving
MODULE (Session) 2: Perception
- Pattern and entry point dynamics
- The inner dimension of pattern stage
- Discovering the emotional level
- Working with fear
MODULE (Session) 2: Skills
- Opening pattern
- Visualizing pattern
- Pattern textures and understandings
- Caring and giving empathy
- Deeper TAWBA reflected in disease
- Clearing fear
MODULE (Session) 2: Disease
- Heart: Coronary artery disease (CAD)
- Other acute and chronic diseases
MODULE (Session) 2: Spiritual and Sufi Knowledge
- Station 1: 3rd & 4th stations of the
- NAFS (desirous self)
- Guidance and guide
- Protection understandings……
- Protection surahs (prayers)
- Book: He Who Knows Himself Knows
- His Lord—First Station—3rd & 4th station of the NAFS
MODULE 3: Finding the Hidden Images
In this module, you will learn to…
- Identify the subtle images that live within your subconscious mind and body
- Identify the players on the stage of your unconscious
- Understand your hidden needs that cause illness to persist and come back
- Discover how these memories and experiences are frozen within your body and are the source of disease
- Understand howSelf-Responsibility, revealing your triggers and mirrors, will lead to healing illness
- Define the base principles of Purification and Beautification utilizing the 99 names of God
- Embody gratitude and sincerity which can facilitate deep healing
MODULE (Session) 3: Teachings
- Walking the heart
- Understanding disease manifestation
- The deeper aspects of caring AMD the heart-centered approach to healing
- Giving of the love
MODULE (Session) 3: Perception
- Listening from the heart to the disease
- Seeing the first level of the interior
MODULE (Session) 3: Skills
- Giving Love from the Heart
- The nature of real support
MODULE (Session) 3: Healing Methods
- HOA (hand of Allah) transmission
- Clearing hate and anger
MODULE (Session) 3: Disease
- CHF or class issues possibly hepatitis.
- Anatomy and physiology of heart and heart disease
MODULE (Session) 3: Spiritual and Sufi Knowledge
- Station 1: 5th to 7th Station of the NAFS
- Book: He Who Knows Himself Knows His Lord—First Station—5th, 6th & 7th
MODULE 4: Discovering the Underlying Issues
Core teaching on the 2nd “I” of the APIIRTB method (Issues)
During this module, will focus on…
- Transforming the pattern and images so that real healing can occur
Deepening your heart’s connection to God - Deepening the understanding around how to melt frozen images stored within you causing disease
- Washing the inner blocks/veils and how to release them
- Descending the Divine names of God for healing
- Understanding the 4 worlds within you (Physical, Imaginal, Soul, Spiritual)
- Discovering the “Eye of the Heart” which gives you truthful perception of your inner reality
- Witnessing, or perceiving, the subtle images to resolve your illness
MODULE (Session) 4: Teachings
- Keys to Healing
- The 4 worlds (Physical—Mulk, Imaginal—Malakut, Soul—Jabarut, Spiritual-Secret
- Witnessing
- Resolution
- Human and Divine attributes
- Discovering and removing the veils
- Healing processes
- Deepening the practice of Tawba
- Healing demos and practicum
- Review of the FSP
MODULE (Session) 4: Perception
- Identifying the veils
- Finding the Feeling-Sense-Pattern (FSP)
- Knowing the differences in the voices
- Able to be the witness
- Able to determine
MODULE (Session) 4: Skills
- Deeply connect with the Divine from the spiritual heart
- Able to find and open the pattern to the disease
- Able to identify the issue and begin the cleansing/washing with the Divine attributes
- Beginning the identification of the
- Divine attributes
- Find the core issue, open and heal it
- Discovering and seeing through the “Eye of the Heart”
MODULE (Session) 4: Healing Methods
- Completion of the action of the situation or incident or
- Discharge of the image
- Building the attributes in the heart
- Washing and purifying
MODULE (Session) 4: Disease
MODULE (Session) 4: Spiritual and Sufi Knowledge
- Deepening the connection to God—strengthening of the alignment
- Second Station of the NAFS (Desirous nature)
- Book: Music of the Soul—The Realities of Existence
- Deeper understanding of Tawba
- Deeper understanding the meaning of the Fatiha
- Understanding of the meaning of the Surah al-Ikhlas
MODULE 5: Resolving the Images and Issues
Core teaching on the “R” of the APIIRTB method (Teachings and Transformation of the 99 Names of God)
During this final module, there will be a focus on…
- Removing the veils and transform the images that block your understanding of the teachings
- Replacing the veils with the Divine qualities that are an expression of God
- Applying the teachings to help heal any disease, situation, or personal issues
- Deepening your surrender to the Divine Love
- Learning the meaning and POWER behind the Divine Names of God
- Understanding the REAL factors behind healing
MODULE 5: Teachings
- Purifying the veils
- Transforming the images
- Understanding the essences of and utilizing the Divine Qualities
- Understanding the spiritual way of living for God
- Learning how to release the ways that don’t serve God
- Learning how to follow the light of Divine guidance
- Learning how to live a Divinely guided life (tafsir) vs. a self-guided life (tadbir)
MODULE 5: Perception
- Understanding of the subtle, spiritual causes of the images along with the teachings related to causation of the disease
- Know how to deepen your heart connection with Divine and live a holy life focused on God
- Understand the subtle layers of light that cause disease
MODULE 5: Skills
- Development of Compassion
- Deep heart connection to the Divine
- Have the knowledge and understanding of the angelic light transmissions
- Understanding the Divine teachings of what caused the disease
- Know how to purify and transform the veils leading to disease
- Utilization of the 99 Names for purification
- Cultivate spiritual intuition that enables you to work with illnesses
- Purifying of the veils with the 99 Names
MODULE 5: Disease
MODULE 5: Spiritual and Sufi Knowledge
- Understand how to contain the hearts of others in love, patience and trust
- Deepen your walking in the ending stations of the NAFS and opening the doors to the heart stations
- Perceive and transform the voices of the dark
- Knowledge of the tongue creating issues of speech that create disease
- Learn to stand in the Divine light and rely on God
- Develop faith in one’s heart
- Learn how to live in peace with self and others
Register Soon for the next Session of this Online Course
November 2024!
All classes are available ONLINE via Zoom. Video replays will be available.
Current ISH Level 1 (18-month program)
November 9-13, 2024
Februrary 15-19, 2025
July 10-14, 2025
November 6-10, 2025
March 7-11, 2026
Course Summary
You will receive:
- How to find the true causative factors of disease.
- Discover how to listen to what your body, mind, and spirit are communicating to you
- Discover how to heal through your heart and your divine connection.
- Find your unconscious beliefs, hidden images, and subtle issues and learn how this can help in healing your disease.
- Learn how Spiritual Healing (SH) can work with western medicine, and other healing methods, for complete healing of disease and illness.
- Understand how to help create the possibility for spontaneous remission, or miraculous healing of your disease.
- Discover how to incorporate SH into your healing practice/profession while improving the possibility of healing disease.
- Learn how to live a more noble and fulfilled life.
- You will be introduced to the 99 Beautiful Names of God, the Divine. You will be taught how to access and use these Names for direct healing, wisdom, spiritual diagnosis and guidance. Your ability to align with, receive, and transmit these Attributes will lead to amazing success in the healing process.
- You may discover the depth of your heart and use its incredible capability to evolve into a heart-centered healer.
- You may learn more about how to give and receive the love and compassion that people really need to heal their disease and suffering. (Do not promise)
- By the end of the program, you may learn about the 6 basic steps of Spiritual Healing (SH) and begin to apply these steps (to yourself and possibly others if you feel called).
Register Today for this Special Online Program:
Enroll Today:
One-time payment:
Payment Plan:
18-Monthly Payments of
Special Offer!
Not sure if you are ready for the entire 18-month program?
We invite you to join us for MODULE 1 without having to commit to the whole program.
Module 1 Special Offer:
Discount $1700 – 1st Module Only: