Journey through the Heart:
Pain & The Four Worlds: The Soul World
Video Transcripts:
All right. Salaam, alaikum everyone. Welcome back Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe. We’re talking about pain. We’re talking about How to heal pain and the deepest understanding around pain or have a lot to do with what it’s called the jabarut or the soul levels of pain. The soul pain is some
ways the most difficult to track and yet the amazing thing about the soul is if you get it, right. You often get instantaneous? The pain goes away instantaneously. It’s actually incredible how it works. So basically, you know, these are the basic understandings everything correlates with its next level. So the physical correlates with the etheric the etheric correlates with the malakut the malakut correlates with the jabarut the jabarut correlates with the lahut of spiritual world and these things layer up with each other. Okay.
The soul level is very deep. It’s and for most people it’s in their deep subconscious. They’re really not conscious of it. They know they have a soul they’re aware of the Soul at some level but they’re not aware of dysfunctions within the soul. Okay. Now the soul is made of light everybody has a soul. It’s a light body. And the soul light body is made of colors. Everybody has different color soles and the soul is can is made of attributes are the names of God. Okay.
So God, we say they’re 99 archetypal attributes in your soul.So if you have pain, let’s say that you have pain. In fact, I spoke to someone this morning who went into the hospital last night thinking they were having a heart attack. Because they were having very significant chest pain going on around their body and it started out initially as sort of burping and then it kind of moved into chest pain and at that point they thought they were maybe having a heart attack and they went into the ER.
Okay. Well, if you look again, we could look at the theory and we could look at the physical and you know, see what was going on physically, they tested the EKG and hey tested cardiac enzymes and you know, there was nothing there so they basically ruled out a heart attack, but you know that then brought it down to gastric intestinal is not hard and it’s in that part of the body is probably gastric intestinal.
Okay. Now this is a mulk understanding. But if you went into the malakut,you would see that there was some way this person was unable to resolve a conflict within themselves. There was a conflict going on and that at the malakut level they could not handle that conflict and there was a conflict was causing agitation and agitation was causing triggering and pain and pain was causing kind of what they were getting caught in a circularity of that pain, right? So that was the malakut, but if you
went into the jabarut the soul world you see now you have to kind of isolate where the pain shows up in the attributes you see and for me when I was looking at it. It came to the Quality al- Muhiyy is The Giver of Life. So what does that mean? It means that the pain in a way was an obstruction to the light of al –muhiyy here, The Giver of Life coming into the body. So what we had to do and we were going to be doing is to work on opening up other words. How do we bring al-Muhiyy into the body into the heart into the solar plexus into where the pain is? Why is it obstructing this attribute? How do we change it? So it opens to receive the Divine attribute and what’s in the way of it.
Is there a place that the person is afraid of going deeper into life is are they afraid of the next level of what’s going to open up for them you see and so my experience again is if we can if we can nail this if we nailing us means if we can get exactly what’s going on in the soul.And if we can shift it with God’s light.To the true al-Muhiyy. So the real Muhiyy the give of life that God wants to send become tangible for this person. Then that Muhiyy He will drive out those fears in the soul level and they will become radiant with let him be when that happens.
I suspect we’ll see an instantaneous decrease or complete resolution of the pain itself. Okay. Now that doesn’t mean that what happens all every time it might take a session an hour or two three four hours. Sometimes it takes, you know some weeks to work but you in pain syndromes you will have to work very deep across all these boundaries to really get to the root of your pain and when you get it and you change it You will be remarkably surprised at how fast paint can disappear.
Thank you very much. Asalamu akeikum. Rahma tulahi wa barakatu. Peace, and blessings be upon everybody. Thank you.