Welcome to Your Spiritual Healing Journey
with the:

Foundations of
Spiritual Healing and Sufism

Class Starts 3rd Oct. 2024

We are happy that you are here!

Welcome to the Foundations of Spiritual Healing and Sufism course, an introduction to the teachings from Sufism and Spiritual Healing for learning to heal serious illness, life-threatening disease, relationship issues, lack of abundance, pain, suffering, physical difficulties, psychological ailments, and spiritual issues.

With Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe’s step-by-step APIIR method you will address the inner dimension of any type of suffering or longing and learn how to heal them through a direct connection to the light of God and deepest love.

Whether you are a healer, wellness practitioner or doctor looking to get fast and lasting results for your patients, or spiritual seeker or a person who wants to heal body, mind and spirit we will guide you to making the shifts to health and wholeness.

By healing the hidden, subconscious stress, repressed traumas, painful emotions, erroneous beliefs, and internal sufferings, you can purify the root causes of disease and transform the inner dimensions of all suffering.


This Course Is For You...

When our course creators put the Foundations of Spiritual Healing and Sufism together they relied on their many years of experience in the medical feild and spiritual realm to give you the very best starting point for your healing journey.

Find out if this course is right for you from Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe below:

“Oh, my goodness. I have no words – they seem so trite and inadequate. This course has been one of the most freeing, beautiful experiences I can recall – ever. I am so grateful for your care and thoughtfulness in putting it together and presenting it to us. I am forever in your debt. Thank you, thank you is all I can say.​” -J.Yank

Everything You'll Get In The Course

Eight Module LIVE ONLINE Course

  • Pre-recorded teachings available before the live sessions
  • Live Q&A
  • Healing Demos
  • Experiential Exercises

LIVE Break-out Sessions Master Healers

  • Get all your specific questions answered live from Dr. Jaffe and his Master Healer Teachers.

  • Or ask your questions on the online chat feature.

Complete Video Recordings, and Training Package

  • Every live training will be recorded and available in video format so you’ll be able to download and view all the content.
  • Lifetime access 

Your Pathway to Spiritual Healing

Module 1

An Introduction to Sufi Spiritual Healing

Learn about Sufi spiritual healing and the spiritual dimensions of healing. Why it is necessary to heal the spiritual aspects of illness to have complete and permanent healing.

Discover how to:

  • Understand the principles of Sufi Spiritual Healing and how it can be applied to your life
  • Learn about Sufism, the path of the heart and how it can open the doors of love, oneness and beauty in your life
  • Learn about the A-PIIR-TB Sufi spiritual healing method that Dr. Jaffe developed after 35 years of healing thousands of clients worldwide, including himself

    Module 2

    The Human Journey:

    How to Find the treasure hidden in your heart

    Explore the hidden treasure you bring to the world by being yourself while discovering your deeper heart and soul. Make the journey back to the divine through unveiling the secret treasure hidden within your heart. Once found you will learn your purpose and mission in this life.

    Discover how to:

    • Live more in your heart connected to the light of love, oneness and unity
    • Understand who you are and the cosmology of creation
    • Learn how you forgot who you are and how to find yourself
    • Discover what the hidden treasure within is and how to find it
    • Learn the 28 steps of Sufi walking to this treasure and the Divine Reality itself

      Module 3

      How to Form a Direct Connection to God

      Uncover the master key to spiritual healing by focusing on your direct and inner connection to the hidden treasure of the divine while deepening your relationship to your own heart. Learn why this is vital to the healing of all disease and illness.

      Discover how to:

      • Learn how to drop into your heart and experience beauty, love and Oneness
      • Learn sacred chants or dhikr that call forth the Divine Presence
      • Understand how to listen to and understand the voice of the Divine Presence
      • Begin to receive direct guidance from the Divine Presence so you can heal yourself, your life and your relationships
      • Understand the nature of prayer and how it can call forth the Divine healing Light of God

        Module 4

        An Overview of the human Nafs (Ego Self) and

        how to master it

        Recognizing Unconscious Blocks

        Recognize the unconscious blocks preventing you from recognizing the ego self and transforming it.

        Discover how to:

        • What are your Nafs? The nature of Ego self and how it creates suffering within through egoistic desire which we all have until purified
        • Recognize your 3 Principle Nafs: Eating, Procreation, Becoming the King of Creation
        • Overcome the Prison of Desire and how divine connection frees you
        • The Naf’s as the Place of Transformation: the cauldron where spiritual work is done to purify oneself and feel your divine nature
        • Recognize the unconscious behaviors, beliefs, illusions, desires, and thoughts so you can transform them
        • Discover the source of your happiness, sweetness and the joy in life by recognizing the ego self and transforming it
        • Free yourself from self-destructive habits to find fulfillment and what’s at the core of your purpose
        • Discover how to become free – ‘la ilaha ilala’/ There is no God but the Real God, and how this dhikr-chant and its wisdom frees you from your nafs and releases suffering within

        Module 5

        Find the Root Cause of

        Spiritual and Physical Illness

        Find the root causes of spiritual and physical illness and identify the subtle patterns within that manifest disease.

        Discover how to:

        • Find the root sources of spiritual and physical illness and heal them through finding the subtle patterns of light or FSP (Feeling Sensed Pattern) that cause disease to manifest within or suffering in your life
        • Identify and uproot the subtle patterns within that manifest disease through learning to enter and release these patterns from within yourself in a step by step process
        • Learn the Feeling Sensed Pattern (FSP), the veiling patterns hidden in the subconscious that are blocking success and causing suffering
        • Transform long held pain, patterns and their causes by entering into the subtle world of light in order to reveal the hidden feelings frozen within that block your energy

          Module 6

          Understanding Who You Are

          Listening to Inside Your Head

          Identify the different voices you are listening to. Learn to listen to the voice of God to become who you were meant to be.

          Discover how to:

          • Discover the three primary voices within yourself that you are always listening to that either free you and bring real peace, love and success or cause immense suffering and misguidance which lead to failure and suffering in your life
          • Learn how to eliminate the voice that causes suffering and misguidance
          • Cue up to the Divine Voice so you can determine the right choices that well lead to freedom, clear guidance and success in your life
          • Follow your soul’s direction and the deeper callings of your heart’s true desire to live the life that was meant to be
          • Discover and learn how to heal the darker shadow voices within that cause you to fail and suffer

            Module 7

            Transforming Images, Issues and Experiences

            Resolve Inner Conflict for Holy Independence

            Understand and transform what your deeper buried needs and issues are, which stop psychological or physical healing from occurring. Learn how to enter into the subconscious state where hidden memories, images, and beliefs attached to your body, emotions, and mind live and unravel, transform or release them.

            Discover how to:

            • Learn where the hidden images, memories and issues are stored within your subtle reality and how they cause illness and suffering at the core
            • Resolve the hidden memories and images that you’re reacting to all the time
            • Unraveling, transforming and releasing trapped images, memories, issues, false beliefs and experiences that cause suffering, illness, and disease
            • Create a cohesive pure holy light within emanating from Divinity that replaces the older unhealthy images

              Module 8

              How to Engage in the World from Your Heart

              Your engagement in the world provides you with opportunities for spiritual growth, opportunities to practice love, generosity, gentleness, mercy and compassion for yourself and your fellow human beings.

              Discover how to:

              • Receive the strength and courage to navigate through trials, turmoil and turbulence and return to peace
              • Learn how to use love, service and compassion to reopen your heart and heal
              • Build a sanctuary in your heart that supports and nourishes you through difficult, challenging or untenable times opens a place of refuge.
              • Learn the secrets of love, inspiration and illumination available in your sanctuary

                What You Will Receive at the End of the Foundations Course

                • You’ll maintain a connection to God, divinity, and truth.
                • You’ll recognize divinity inside yourself and align and receive guidance whenever you are open to it.
                • You’ll have an understanding of the impediments to peace, harmony and unity and where the shadow and darkness gets into you and fights with divine nature.
                • You’ll identify the voices of self and shadow and recognize how to stay with God’s light and not fall into the self or shadow.
                • You’ll know how to release physical, psychological, and spiritual illness.
                • You’ll reconnect to compassion, love and goodness

                There's More!

                BONUS 1: Special Bonus Class!

                The final step of resolution, beautification and embracing your spiritual teaching.
                How To Become An Agent of Divine Spiritual Healing for You, Your Clients & Your Loved Ones

                BONUS 2: 50% off Healing Session

                Get 50% off of a Healing Session with one of Dr. Jaffe’s Master Healers. Accelerate your healing process with our special offer. This is your opportunity to experience the healing energy of a highly trained Sufi healer and deepen your relationship with God.

                BONUS 3: Secrets to Spiritual Relationships PDF

                Discover the seven C’s of Relationships. In this pdf, Dr. Jaffe provides valuable tips and complimentary healing methodologies that can help you find love in all your relationships. Find your Happiness Now!

                THE NEXT COURSE BEGINS
                October 3rd, 2024!

                Live classes will take place on Tuesdays and Thursday evenings at 4:00 PM Pacific Time, and will last approximately 2 hours.

                Classes are recorded – replays will be available in case you miss a live call or you would like to review.

                Class Dates + Times

                Class 1: October 3, 2024

                Class 2: October 8, 2024

                Class 3: October 10, 2024

                Class 4: October 15, 2024

                Class 5: October 17, 2024

                Class 6: October 22, 2024

                Class 7: October 24, 2024

                Class 8: October 29, 2024

                Bonus Class 9: October 31, 2024

                “It took me over two years for the doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. After spending lots of time and money I was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, low thyroid disease. After working with Dr. Jaffe for a few short months not only are my test results normal I have my energy back full force without taking synthetic hormones the rest of my life. The techniques he uses to teach self healing are astoundingly straightforward. Once you start implementing them you feel better almost instantaneously. It’s mostly different meditation techniques that guide you into your subconscious memories that are holding you back/making you sick.

                With Dr Jaffe’s deep knowledge and guidance I’ve been able to heal much more in my life then Hashimoto’s disease. I’ve grown to trust myself again and move forward in all areas of my life. For that I am eternally grateful. I continue to use the techniques he teaches daily. I hope that my story inspires others to reach out to this truly wonderful man.” Kim Shanti, Los Angeles

                What is Spiritual Healing?

                Spiritual Healing works to find and heal the hidden spiritual, psychological, emotional, and energetic aspects of disease, while concurrently treating the physical aspects with conventional western methods. Dr. Jaffe has merged traditional medicine – including its diagnostic capabilities, testing, labs, and treatments – with spiritual healing to provide a comprehensive system of relief to those suffering from disease.

                This exact system has helped patients to heal from many serious diseases, including some that have been unresponsive to traditional medicine and deemed irreversible or terminal.

                These include both physical and psychological diseases such as advanced heart disease (atrial fibrillation and congestive heart failure), cancer (breast, lung and others), pulmonary disease (asthma and COPD), thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s), infectious diseases (Lyme, etc.), depression and anxiety disorders, and many others.

                What is Sufism?

                Sufism is a path of love, Divine Love, a love that is unconditional, supportive, caring and that leads to eternal happiness.

                Sufism is a path of the heart that takes you home. It is a journey in love, by love and for love. There is a Sufi saying that when you know yourself, you know God. Sufism is a journey to the deepest most profound love that will totally transform your life. That will take you from the darkness of this material world to the light of Divine Love.

                Sufism is a journey of purification and transformation that leads you to experience the unity of divine love that exists in each of us and all created beings. It is a way of love, peace, compassion, freedom, justice and beauty. It is a way of living through the lens of Divine Light and Love.


                Frequently Asked Questions

                What is spiritual healing?

                Spiritual healing is a holistic approach to healing that goes beyond the physical body to the other bodies and also your soul.

                It is not linked to a particular religion. It is not faith healing – even very sceptical people can be healed. The spiritual aspect refers to spiritual energy working at a deep level on our spiritual being. The healing involves the transfer of energy; in other words, it is not from the healer him or herself, but the healer links with ‘Universal’ or Divine energy to channel healing for the mind, body, and spirit.

                How does spiritual healing work?

                In a Sufi spiritual healing the Sufi healer and client sit together to access the light of God; this creates an environment of safety and protection.

                The healer channels the light of God and gently explores the particular issue with a client to receive Divine guidance about it. This process transforms previously held limiting beliefs that may have been causing toxic emotion, illness and distress.

                How long does the course last?

                The course takes 4 weeks to complete and there is a 1 hour live lesson twice per week.

                Do I need to know anything about spiritual healing before I enroll?

                This is a foundational course and therefore serves as the starting point for anyone interested in learning more about spiritual healing. More specifically, it is for anyone interested in embracing a spiritual healing path, those who would like to learn how to heal themselves from various ailments and finally, it is for those who want to learn how to heal others.

                Do I have to be a certain religion to join the course?

                Sufi spiritual healing will work within whatever spiritual tradition a client follows and also works for those who may not follow any specific tradition.

                By learning to receive Divine guidance to “clean” old misconceptions, emotions, stories and experiences, the client is then able to live in a more empowered way.

                How is this healing different?

                Sufi spiritual healing uses the light of God to access the deep inner soul reality of the client. According to the Sufis the most complete healing occurs when a client is able to access the beliefs and patterns that are held within this soul reality.

                During the course of the healing, old, limiting stories and beliefs are revealed and cleaned to make way for the Divine teaching.

                Often the Divine teaching brings in a new expansive understanding of the issue being explored, which allows the client to live in an empowered way that is closer to their true nature, the holy way. This holy way of living is one of love, peace and compassion.

                Why should I choose Sufi spiritual healing?

                The clients who choose Sufi spiritual healing are often searching for a deeper sense of peace, love, wholeness and unity.

                Those who are drawn to Sufi spiritual healing are ready to live in an empowered way and to gradually release old, limiting stories and belief systems that have previously held them stuck.

                At its core, Sufi spiritual healing uses the light of God to illuminate the deep teaching behind life’s issues and experiences. The teachings often assist clients to release limiting and toxic emotions and stories.

                What if I’m not a religious person?

                People from all faith traditions are welcome. This includes clients who may not feel connected with the traditional understanding of God.

                In the Sufi tradition, God is all loving and will meet us wherever we are. We invite you to explore the Sufi spiritual healing for yourself to experience the compassionate system of healing.

                What are the next steps after this course?

                The next course after the Foundations of spiritual healing and Sufism is our level 1 course. Thereafter, ….

                Is there financial aid?

                Yes, please schedule a call to speak to one of our team members to find out about our financial aid options.

                Do I have to become a Sufi to take this course?

                No, not at all.

                Can I use Sufi healing with other treatments?

                Integrative, Complementary and Traditional Western or Conventional medicine, as well as homeopathy, Chinese medicine, and other traditions all work synergistically with Sufi spiritual healing. You and your doctor can choose whichever system of medicine works best for you.

                We encourage you to continue receiving care from a doctor or therapist while using the Sufi healing process; this creates a synergistic approach to healing that supports traditional medicine’s effectiveness.

                Healing in the Sufi way is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but to support it.

                “Like [my classmate] said, I thought I had a connection before, but in this class, I’ve learned to take my connection from something that was really abstract to something that is really beautiful and intimate and very reliable and consistent and something that I can always turn to.”

                Meet Your Course Leaders

                Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe

                Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe is a physician, Sufi Master Healer, and Spiritual Guide pioneering Spiritual Healing (SH) – the integration of western medicine and spiritual practice to heal disease and improve health and wellbeing.

                He earned his medical degree as a general practice physician from the University of Illinois.

                In addition to being recognized as a Master Healer and Teacher within the Sufi tradition, he has studied and traveled worldwide teaching Advanced Energy Healing, an etheric approach to diagnosis and healing of illness, including teaching at the United Nations and Harvard Divinity School.

                His training also includes certification in electro-homeopathy according to Volls by Fuller Royal M.D., two and half years of study in classical homeopathy, and certification in healing through raw foods by both the Hippocrates Institute (under Anne Wigmore) and the Optimum Health Institute.

                Dr. Jaffe is a prolific speaker who brings forth a message of hope, healing, peace, and oneness for people of all faiths through the tenets of Sufism and the understanding of spiritual healing. He speaks on many topics including Sufism, spirituality, and spiritual healing. He also speaks about healing the blocks to manifesting our inner brilliance and finding and developing true spiritual and loving relationships. His healing work has also led to deep understanding of how to heal conflict and bring peace. His goal is to provide spiritual healing and guidance for people seeking to heal or transform their lives, illnesses, or organizations.

                Sufism | Institute of Spiritual Healing

                 Maxine Adelstein M.Ed., D.D.

                Maxine Salima Adelstein M.Ed., D.D. helps people to discover and embody the deep truth of their beauty and essence through her work as a healer and teacher. She is a Murshid Murabbi Ruhi, (Sufi Spiritual Guide) in the Shadhilyya Sufi tradition, a rank given to her by her guide, Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal.  Ms. Adelstein is Co-President, chair of the Department of Spiritual Ministry and Sufi Studies and a faculty member for the University of Sufism and the Institute of Spiritual Healing. She is a master healer who has helped thousands of clients heal from illness and lifelong emotional pain

                Kamila Carolyn Shenmen, Ph.D., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., M.Div.

                Kamila Carolyn Shenmen, Ph.D., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., M.Div., co-president of the University of Sufism, holds a Master’s of Divinity degree from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism and a Doctorate in Computer Science and Molecular Biology from the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.

                She worked for 18 years at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and is also a certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine. Kamila has been a healing practitioner in the Sufi tradition since 2003.

                Join the Program Today!

                Due to the pandemic, inflation, war, and other current world events we are making several payment options available. Feel free to ask about the options below and more on a call with a team member. Schedule your call now!

                Yes! I'm enrolling!

                Single Payment Option:


                Yes! I'm enrolling!

                Two Payment Option:


                If you want more information to determine if this course is right for you or need further financial assistance than these options provide, please contact our Admissions & Enrollments team at
                or email: courses@drjaffemd.com.

                If outside the U.S. Please email us and we will connect on WhatsApp.