LIVE 3-Part Class Series

Finding Hope

How to Be the Light in Times of Darkness

Join Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, Kamila Shenmen, and Salima Adelstein as they illuminate the beacon of truth and light in your heart, and help you understand how to stay connected through Sufi principles and Spiritual Healing techniques. With so much of the world caught in fear, finding hope and being a beacon of light is more crucial and challenging than ever. What are we receiving through our circumstances and spiritual walking, that God is trying to show us?

There is always a gift. What’s being given to you?

Watch this free video to learn more about this wonderful new LIVE series:

“If everything around you seems dark, look again, you may be the light.” – Rumi

During this class you will learn:


Finding Safety in the Body

During this lesson, you’ll explore:

  • How the consistent stress and fear affects the body
  • Inner perspective of adrenal fatigue
  • Connecting with Divine Light to ease exhaustion


Sufi Perspective on Fear & Hope

During this lesson, you’ll explore:

  • How fear and hope are two sides of the same coin
  • The middle path between fear & hope
  • Understanding the balance in our lives


Carrying the Light in Golden Service

During this lesson, you’ll explore:

  • Walking in the world while staying connected to the Light
  • Becoming a beacon of Love, Mercy & Truth
  • Staying in the true freedom as you walk the path

Here’s a clip from Class 1 with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe where he shared INCREDIBLE and POWERFUL teachings:

Register for this Online Course today!

Class Dates:
May 10th. 12th, and 17th

4pm Pacific/5pm Mountain/6pm Central/7pm Eastern

Click the button below to go to a secure order page:



“Being a candle is not easy. In order to give light, one must first burn.” – Rumi


Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe

Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe is a physician, Sufi Master Healer, and Spiritual Guide pioneering Medical Spiritual Healing (MSH) – the integration of western medicine and spiritual practice to heal disease and improve health and wellbeing. After studying and witnessing healing from many spiritual healing traditions including Hindu, Kundalini, Homeopathy, Tibetan Medicine Buddha, Japanese Zen, Philippine psychic surgeons, South American shamans, Hawaiian Kahuna and more, Dr. Jaffe discovered the spiritual healing of the Sufis.

Salima Adelstein

Maxine Salima Adelstein M.Ed., D.D. helps people to discover and embody the deep truth of their beauty and essence through her work as a healer and teacher. She is a Murshid Murabbi Ruhi, (Sufi Spiritual Guide) in the Shadhilyya Sufi tradition, a rank given to her by her guide, Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal.  Ms. Adelstein is Co-President, chair of the Department of Spiritual Ministry and Sufi Studies and a faculty member for the University of Sufism and the Institute of Spiritual Healing. She is a master healer who has helped thousands of clients heal from illness and lifelong emotional pain

Kamila Shenmen

Kamila Carolyn Shenmen, Ph.D., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., M.Div., co-president of the University of Sufism, holds a Master’s of Divinity degree from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism and a Doctorate in Computer Science and Molecular Biology from the University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France.

She worked for 18 years at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and is also a certified practitioner of Oriental Medicine. Kamila has been a healing practitioner in the Sufi tradition since 2003.

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