Free Monthly
Full Moon Dhikr
Full Moon Sufi Dhikr (Meditation Prayer)
Join Dr. Jaffe and other Master Healers and Teachers for every full moon for a free, open Dhikr meditation session to call in healing and Divine Reality.
Full moons are a powerful time when the veils of this world are at their thinnest for the month, and it is known for being a potent time to receive guidance from God.
Participating in a Dhikr purifies and illuminates our hearts. This process involves moving deeper and deeper within ourselves, and through what are known in Sufism as the “stations” of the heart. As we go within, we are cleansed through God’s love and light. This is how we receive clear images and guidance from the Divine for the problems we currently face.
It is important to set aside time, especially during the powerful time of the full moon, to dedicate time to listening to God’s messages for us.
Each Dhikr is held online, live 5-6pm PT on the night of the Full Moon. Recordings of the dhikrs will be available after the event, and will be sent out via email.
We invite you to join us for our next Full Moon Dhikr, which can be found here.
For information, reminders for the Dhikrs, any changes to the schedule, or the recordings, please sign up for our email list below. This is for the Dhikr information and reminders only, and will not sign you up for our main email list.
Sign-Up for the Monthly Full Moon Sufi Dhikrs Here:
Subscribe to our Dhikr email list to receive the information to attend the live online Dhikrs each month. You will also need to register to be on this list in order to receive access to the recordings after the events. You are only required to register once.
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe is a physician, Sufi Master Healer and Spiritual Guide who has pioneered Spiritual Healing in the Sufi way – the integration of western medicine and Sufi spiritual practices to heal disease and improve health and well-being. He has helped thousands of people over the past 20 years. He is the President of the Institute for Spiritual Healing along with the University of Sufism.
Please Check Our Event Calendar for Upcoming Dates