Donate through the Ma’rifa Foundation

About your donation to the Ma’rifa Foundation:
Our purpose is to support the dissemination of the teachings of Sidi Muhamad al Jamal(Sidi) and promote his message of peace, love, freedom, mercy, and justice. We are committed to supporting the work of the University of Sufism and we provide funds for the needy and poor.
The University of Sufism provides spiritual education, principles, methodologies and guidance while helping teach students how to heal their heart, mind, body, soul and spirit, via illuminated, spiritual Sufi teachings. These teachings are from an ancient healing system of the Shadhuliyya Sufi Way as brought to us by Sidi.
We appreciate all donations. Thank you.
All donations received from Khalwa and Sacrifices are only used for distribution to those who are in need or poor.