Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Journey through the Heart:What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like? If this resonates and you’d like to go deeper + get your questions answered personally from Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe we invite you to explore our Sufi Circle. Explore Sufi...
Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: How Do I Identify These Voices Within Me?

Journey through the Heart:How Do I Identify These Voices Within Me? If you’d like to go deeper we invite you to explore our Foundations course which will help you heal yourself or others, find or improve relationships, expand your spiritual growth, open your heart +...
Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: How Do the 3 Inner Voices Change Along the Sufi Path?

Journey through the Heart:How Do the 3 Inner Voices Change Along the Sufi Path? If you’d like to go deeper we invite you to explore our Foundations course which will help you heal yourself or others, find or improve relationships, expand your spiritual growth, open...
Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: What are the 3 Inner “Voices” in Sufism?

Journey through the Heart:What are the 3 Inner “Voices” in Sufism? If this resonates and you’d like to go deeper + get your questions answered personally from Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe we invite you to explore our Sufi Circle. Explore Sufi...
Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: Remembrance Practice: the Power in Sacred Sound

Journey through the Heart:Remembrance Practice: the Power in Sacred Sound If you’d like to go deeper we invite you to explore our Foundations course which will help you heal yourself or others, find or improve relationships, expand your spiritual growth, open your...
Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: Divine Names for Transformation

Journey through the Heart:Divine Names for Transformation If this resonates and you’d like to go deeper + get your questions answered personally from Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe we invite you to explore our Sufi Circle. Explore Sufi...
Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: Bringing Light to the Hidden: The Importance in Healing

Journey through the Heart:Bringing Light to the Hidden: The Importance in Healing If this resonates and you’d like to go deeper + get your questions answered personally from Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe we invite you to explore our Sufi Circle. Explore Sufi...
Video: What Do the 3 Voices Sound Like?

Video: I’ve Struggled for So Long, What’s Missing?

Journey through the Heart:I’ve Struggled for So long, What’s Missing? If you’d like to go deeper we invite you to explore our Foundations course which will help you heal yourself or others, find or improve relationships, expand your spiritual growth, open...