Highest Divine Purpose:
A New Creation for Your Life
What does it mean to know your highest divine purpose?
According to Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe, your highest divine purpose is two things: the highest thing that’s written for your soul, by God, for your spiritual evolution in life overall, and what happens each year to move you toward that.
Through the use of Divine Qualities (or the 99 Names of Allah), we are able to follow the divine manifestation process that creates everything in our lives, and tap into the wisdom and knowledge of what God is creating in our lives.
As a human being on a soul’s journey, you’re essentially learning to change your human attributes into divine attributes. So you’re here on the earth to use your time to deeply embody these 99 names and to transform your lower versions of these qualities into their higher expressions.
One of the ways that you go through this spiritual evolution is through spending your time in a holy way. Through the use of your time toward its holiest purpose, you evolve faster and come closer and closer in proximity to God.
People often spend the majority of their time working, meaning that if you could align your work with your highest divine purpose, you would be spending the majority of your time in a holy way.
Suddenly, your work becomes part of your spirituality!
This is why understanding your highest divine purpose is so important. Once you know what purpose God has for you in this life, you can begin to align everything you do t toward that purpose and embodying it.
When you work in a way that doesn’t serve your spirituality, you are wasting a significant amount of time each day that could be used to align with the highest life for yourself.
If you’re feeling called to step into a new creation in your own life, there are four Divine Qualities to work with:
- Al Muta’ali
- Al Khaliq
- Al Bari
- Al Musawwir
First you will need to connect with al-Muta’ali, the Most High. By doing this, you are calling upon the Most High for yourself and your soul.
Next, you call in al-Khaliq, the Creator, Who holds the meaning or image of the new creation. This is the first notion of the highest spiritual creation that can come into manifestation in your life.
From there, al-Bari, the Gatherer, begins to gather all of the energy needed to bring this new creation into existence in your life. As pieces of the whole begin to appear in your life, you begin to gather the resources that God gives you to build this highest divine image.
After that you call upon al-Musawwir, the final image. This is the image of manifestation for your being. It is what you are meant to do, and how you are going to do it.
Calling upon and embodying these divine qualities, enables you to go within in order to discover your highest divine purpose and begin to live a holier, more fulfilling life that emanates from your deep, sincere heart.
To learn how to use these principles and techniques in your own life check out our 18 month, Level 1 program. It is our program for those seeking to heal themselves through the use of Sufi principles and Dr. Jaffe’s APIIR-TB system that walks you through step-by-step toward complete healing.