Advanced Sufi Walking 2
Our Advanced Sufi Spiritual Journey Towards the Fana and the Opening of the Unity and Ma’rifa
A Journey Towards the Fana and the Opening of the Unity and Ma’rifa
“Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe created this transformational program, grounded in ancient wisdom, for beloveds who are longing to walk closer to the Unity and to the Reality of the Haqiqah, or Fana-Fillah. In this advanced program, you will be supported in finding deep joy in the walking, feeling closer proximity to Allah, and reaching your hearts desires and full potential, inshallah.”
Shams al- Haqiqah
“In This High station you reach the sun of the truth. This is the picture of God, and not only the picture but the reality of Allah- in the water, in the food , when you sleep, in the flowers, in the birds and in the animals in everything. When you walk, walk quietly and give the mercy to everyone because when you give you give for Allah.”
~ Shaykh Muhammad Sa’id al-Jamal ar-Rifa’i as-Shadhuli, Music of the Soul
In a fast-paced, goal-oriented world filled with opportunities to feel stressed or inadequate, you may find yourself longing for another way of being; how do you tap into and live in a state where pure love and inherent goodness are the inner norm regardless of what you’re facing on the outside?
In Sufism, the way to experience more moment-to-moment love is to let go of our tight grip on life and instead hand the reins to an Always-Caring, Ever-Loving, Allah. This is called jadhba or magnetic attraction, where the student allows Allah to use them as His vessel of love, light, and peace in the world.
In the Advanced Sufi Walking 1 Level 4 Program, you will open to these deep teachings and way of life in a dynamic and joyful circle of spiritual fellowship. Supported with loving guidance from Kamila Shenmen, Ibrahim Jaffe, and Salima Adelstein, you will experience the ecstatic freedom that arises when you release your personal expectations in favor of going with the divinely ordained flow of life. You will learn to taste the unity of the sharia, tariqa and haqiqa.
You will learn to Live in the Garden Now.
Ibrahim has worked closely with Sidi over the years to help many people cross through these stations. He now feels ready to offer people personal support and guidance to complete these stations. Reaching to the Fana and Fana-Fillah as well as the opening of the Marifa will be the goal of this course.
“ASW changed my life. Been on the path for over 20 years but in the last 2 years everything accelerated in my walking to God and my relationship with God. I highly recommend this program.”
Journey with us! Join Ibrahim, Kamila, and Salima on a joyful adventure through the ocean of the Soul into the higher realities of the secret. Learn to experience ecstatic moments of Unity in everyday life, strengthen your Ma’rifa (gnosis) through the legacy the Prophet (saws) left us, and live in a state of witnessing creation and your purpose through the Divine perspective.
Over the years, you’ve likely strived and worked hard to arrive closer to Allah. You’ve reached the stations of the Soul and you long to keep traveling. The Advanced Sufi Walking class offers a new perspective on how to journey on this adventure. As you enter the program, the invitation is to set aside the striving and hard work, turning instead to the ease of jadhba. How would it feel to fall into the effortless attraction from Allah, knowing that you are wool between His hands and that He will move you in the perfect way?
Many people enter the program in the 5th station of the soul, needing guidance and support to cross this difficult place. This ASW 1 class, anchored by pole teacher Kamila, along with Ibrahim and Salima, invites you to a circle of fellow travelers on the Path. In this circle, you will feel the guidance and protection of your teachers and love and wisdom of your fellow students.
The circle class design is rooted in the ancient ways people learned Sufism. This was the way the Prophet (saws), the ancient Sufi masters, and the saints taught their students: beloveds sitting with their guide, the guide transmitting deep gnosis, and everyone sharing the unique wisdom they carry.
Just as everyone carries unique wisdom, each person’s walking is unique to them. Advanced Sufi Walking puts emphasis on supporting the individual walking, honoring the qualities, talents and gifts that Allah gave each student, and helping students ponder “how does Allah walk me?” As each person in the circle learns and shares about the ways the teachings manifest inside of them, everyone tastes more deeply.
TESTIMONIAL: Qamara’s Experience with Week One
I feel like I walked more deeply this week than ever in the years I’ve been on the path. What is being given through your being at this time is a whole new creation. What was most amazing about this week was the transformation that happened. We did a little bit of purification work and Allah gave this generous downloading of light that has changed my world reality right here, right now. No waiting for the healing to trickle down from the soul into the mulk, the transformation has happened simultaneously on all levels. This is the first time I’ve felt such a huge shift.
I’ve lived my entire life in a state of hidden anxiety, giving me no freedom to be. I now find myself moving through the world with much more trust and sense of safety. I’m able to relax more and be with the people with more patience and gentleness and mercy and love. I feel I’m able to discern guidance more easily, have more capability in the world, and can receive deeper wisdom about what Allah is making.
If this is what happens to me in one week, I’m really excited about the possibilities for transformation of our Tariqa worldwide and the divides that exist within it. I feel like the level of self responsibility you are bringing can help heal the broken heart of the Tariqa and bring us together in the vision that Sidi gave us of one hand one heart.
In gratitude,
Love Qamara
A Transformational Program
Advanced Sufi Walking 1 is just the starting place in the ASW series. Year 1 focuses on opening the Ma’rifa and accessing Divine Wisdom. After year 1, we hope you choose to continue your journey with us, continuing to sit in community and drink from the beautiful stream of ancient teachings in our lineage.
During the year, take part in three 6.5-day online transformative sessions.
During these sessions, Kamila Shenmen, Ibrahim Jaffe, and Salima Adelstein, will share materials to be read before class and then invite students to discuss, share, and experience the content together.
During intersessions, homework along with individual and group demonstrations on the nature and witnessing of the soul, opening of soul consciousness, the 99 names and attributes and the purification of this level of consciousness, will be given.
Participants will also work together in small groups with group leaders, to support their unique walking of the stations.
There will be monthly Zoom, audio/video teleclasses to provide ongoing guidance and support.
During the intercessions, participants may be assigned partners to offer support and healing sessions to each other.
The program provides an opportunity for life changing transformation in your witnessing, healing, and a very deep awareness and connection to your Fana 21 and the opening of the Ma’rifa and the Divine.
To truly establish in the worlds of the Soul and the Secret, the practices and teachings will focus on:
• Predominance of Love over all other emotional experiences
• Building Divine Knowledge, (Al-Ilm)
• Observance of Shari’ah; all practices that purify our outer and inner states
• Embracing of humanity with love, compassion and gentleness
Sit together in the stream of ancient wisdom
Many of the teachings transmitted in the class circle will be based on the books of the Sufi Shaykh, Muhammad Said al-Jamal al Rifai, ash Shadhuli. Works used in class may include:
- Teachings of the Quran including from Sidi’s Tafsir books
- Teachings of gnosis from the book “Reality of Gnosis”
- Teachings of surrender and purification from “How the Arrival is Realized”
- Teachings from the Hadith of Prophet Mohammed (saws) on how to live like the Prophet and follow his way in all interactions and states
- “The Meaning of the Names of Our Lord” qualities book
- Teachings from “Music of the Soul”
Circle discussions and sharings about these teachings from students as well as teachers will be an essential part of each class. Kamila, Ibrahim, and Salima will support the walking of the class as well as the walking of each individual. They are deeply committed to holding and loving each student in the highest way throughout the program.
I took hand in 2002, graduated with a master’s in divinity in 2007 from University of Sufism and have been walking and teaching for more than 20 years now. About three years ago, my husband and I decided to step into the Advanced Sufi Walking class taught by Ibrahim Jaffe and Salima Adelstein. These past years without Sidi and regular Sufi School events opened a real void in our walking. We felt something missing and we wanted to see if ASW would open that door. And it did! The light transmitted through this program has enlivened the deeper places of connection we had been missing and so often experienced in Sidi’s presence or in larger gatherings. Reconnecting with this holy transmission through ASW has reawakened that deeper inner reality of the Divine light within.

If you are feeling drawn to this program, we invite you to fill out an interest form to see if it’s the right time for you to join. Ibrahim, Salima, and Kamila will review each form with care.
If you would like to speak with us about the program or if you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Call Nahida Fawzia at 1-888-237-5233, Ext. 1 or email