Sufi Spiritual Healing Center
April 13- June 14, 2025
“When we started, I was insecure; I didn’t know what to expect. I’ve been walking my walk of life for a long time the same way. I was not used to inviting Allah into my life for healing. After a few sessions with you I started to notice changes: I was less worried, and I didn’t become angry anymore. Of course, I can be irritated but in my case that’s a big difference. The relationship with my wife has improved in a miraculous way. We see each other in the way we did when we fell in love. This is incredible and my wife and me are so grateful for this huge change in our lives. You were so patient with me, and you really gave me the feeling that it would be okay with Allah’s help.”
“Participating in the Sufi Spiritual Healing Center program helped me to understand where I most needed healing in my heart, body and soul. I let go of fear and opened my heart more to receiving divine love. I am very grateful for my healers who helped me to heal hidden wounds in my heart and lineage. I now live more in Allah’s love, peace and mercy.”
What is the Sufi Spiritual Healing Center?
The Sufi Spiritual Healing Center (SSHC) is an on-line virtual center offering Sufi spiritual healing to clients from all faith traditions.
Our Sufi healers have successfully worked with clients from all over the world to address a variety of issues.
Sufi spiritual healing has been used to heal physical, emotional and mental health issues. Clients also use the system to illuminate issues around life transitions and spiritual exploration.

What is a Sufi Healing?
In a Sufi spiritual healing a client will work with a Sufi healer to access the inner teaching behind an issue or illness. This process utilizes the APIIR-TB Sufi spiritual healing system. APIIR-TB stands for: A – Alignment, P – Pattern, I – Image, I – Issue, R – Resolution, T – Teaching, B – Beautification.
Simply put, APIIR-TB spiritual healings help us:
- (A) align with the healing light of God,
- illuminate the (P) inner Patterns where illness or unease is held,
- identify the subconscious (I) Images, memories, and beliefs that are held in the pattern,
- find the (I) Issues or reasons behind these images
- bring (R) Resolution of the images and issues held inside our physical and energetic illness patterns
- open to the (T) Teaching behind illness or unease
- and receive the (B) Beautification of God’s light so that we can move forward in a space of greater health and divine alignment
In the Sufi tradition every issue or illness is a symptom of an underlying cause. The issue or illness is a teaching from the Divine to bring us closer to our true nature.
Often a teaching is sent to clear misbeliefs that prevent us from embodying our most authentic selves and true divine nature of love, peace and compassion.
Once the teaching is received the client is able to “clean” the misconception, release any limiting emotions, beliefs, images associated with the misconception and live life in a new, more empowered way.
What is Sufism?
Sufism is a path of the heart; it is often called a path of love.
In the Sufi paradigm dis-ease occurs when a person forgets their true divine nature; this can happen when a person carries a misconception about life which leads them away from a state of peace, love and compassion.
Often misconceptions about life or distorted beliefs lead to limiting or toxic emotions like anger, blame or resentment which, according to the Sufi healing system, are the root cause of physical, emotional or mental health issues.
At the SSHC, Sufi healers harness the light of God to help a client reconnect with the Divine, the Source of all healing, and understand the teaching that is held within their issue or illness.
Every issue in life is an invitation to return to the loving nature of God and to live life in an empowered way.

Why should I choose Sufi spiritual healing?
The clients who choose Sufi spiritual healing are often searching for a deeper sense of peace, love, wholeness and unity.
Those who are drawn to Sufi spiritual healing are ready to live in an empowered way and to gradually release old, limiting stories and belief systems that have previously held them stuck.
At its core, Sufi spiritual healing uses the light of God to illuminate the deep teaching behind life’s issues and experiences. The teachings often assist clients to release limiting and toxic emotions and stories.
How does it work?
In a Sufi spiritual healing the Sufi healer and client sit together to access the light of God; this creates an environment of safety and protection.
The healer channels the light of God and gently explores the particular issue with a client to receive Divine guidance about it.
A Sufi spiritual healing can be seen as a deep prayer to God, which can be done through reciting the ancient Divine names of God or invoking prayers.
Once the Divine guidance is revealed, the client receives new and more illuminated ways of understanding life experiences. This process transforms previously held limiting beliefs that may have been causing toxic emotion, illness and distress.

“The [Sufi Spiritual Healing Center] was way more than I anticipated. It was a definite gift from Allah (God) for my walking in, guiding me to step out in faith with less fear. Even though I’m still walking through, I truly felt my heart was held by all…My Sufi healer was a God-given gift for me, and it continues to be used on an as-needed basis.”

Do I have to be a certain religion?
Sufi spiritual healing will work within whatever spiritual tradition a client follows and also works for those who may not follow any specific tradition.
By learning to receive Divine guidance to “clean” old misconceptions, emotions, stories and experiences, the client is then able to live in a more empowered way.
What if I’m not a religious person?
People from all faith traditions are welcome to the SHC, this includes clients who may not feel connected with the traditional understanding of God.
In the Sufi tradition, God is all loving and will meet us wherever we are. We invite you to explore the Sufi spiritual healing for yourself to experience the compassionate system of healing.

“When I entered the Healing Center, I had just come out of the hospital and was convalescing at home. I had been at home for a month, and no real improvements were happening. My body needed to heal…After a couple of healing sessions with my Master Healer, I started to notice that I was able to eat more…I had more energy. Joining the healing center has helped me tremendously. I would recommend the Healing Centre for all types of concerns physical, mental and emotions.”

How is this healing different?
Sufi spiritual healing uses the light of God to access the deep inner soul reality of the client. According to the Sufis the most complete healing occurs when a client is able to access the beliefs and patterns that are held within this soul reality.
During the course of the healing, old, limiting stories and beliefs are revealed and cleaned to make way for the Divine teaching.
Often the Divine teaching brings in a new expansive understanding of the issue being explored, which allows the client to live in an empowered way that is closer to their true nature, the holy way. This holy way of living is one of love, peace and compassion.
Can I use Sufi healing with other treatments?
Complementary medicines, including homeopathy, Chinese medicine, and other traditions all work synergistically with Sufi spiritual healing. You and your doctor can choose whichever system of medicine works best for you.
We encourage you to continue receiving care from a doctor or therapist while using the Sufi healing process; this creates a synergistic approach to healing that supports traditional medicine’s effectiveness.
Healing in the Sufi way is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but to support it.

“I received healing and support in the group.”
“The Love, Light, Compassion and Trust in God that came through the healers in this Intensive really helped my healing. Thank you.”

How do I receive a healing?
To learn more about the SSHC and the Sufi healing process, please make an appointment with a trained Spiritual Healer.
Who are the Sufi healers?
The Sufi Healers are Master level graduates of Spiritual Healing from the Dr. Jaffe MD Institute of Spiritual Healing and The University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism.
All healers have undergone a minimum of four years of a rigorous training. Each healer has experienced a deep spiritual development curriculum and extensive comprehensive training in order to bring you a transformational healing experience.
Your healers understand that healing must occur in the soul as well as in the body in order to bring wholeness.

Our Mission
The Spiritual Healing Center of Austin, Texas is a pioneering department within the Institute of Spiritual Healing, dedicated to providing holistic and spiritually grounded healing services to individuals seeking inner peace, physical well-being, and emotional balance. We are committed to fostering an environment of compassion, understanding, and empowerment to support the spiritual journey of our clients.
Our Purpose
The purpose of our organization is to create a spiritual community that supports individuals on their healing journey. We aim to bring peace of mind and ease the healing process for individuals, both mentally and physically.
Our staff provides a safe space to address and heal deep emotional pain and feelings of separation. Through sacred prayer and calling upon Divine Qualities, we create a sacred space of healing. These prayers bring forth holy lights and qualities that reveal the hidden truth behind your illness and transform it. This transformation process leads to a sense of purity and clarity. It eliminates much of the discomfort. The ultimate result is an experience of joy, freedom, and a deep connection to a loving and forgiving Unity or God presence.
Our Vision
We aim to serve as a model for future Healing Centers across the country and globally. The center will utilize spiritual healing practices inspired by ancient Sufi mystics to bring about healing and inspire God’s Love and Light through Divine Love. The ultimate goal is for individuals to embody peace, love, and mercy and spread God’s love within their community.
Description of Our Program
We aim to inspire Divine Love and bring God’s healing Light into communities.
Our program is a nine-week experiential learning journey through which you will be introduced to the “APIIRTB” healing methodology and to ancient Sufi prayers and teachings. This intensive program is tailored to the individual needs of each client.
Our goal is to guide clients to discover their true selves and provide support during difficult times. The program aims to be affordable and offers a compassionate community of healers.
We work in conjunction with the client’s current licensed allopathic professionals, whether they are medical, social or psychological counselors, and/or other alternative licensed professionals.
The Invitation
We offer a sacred approach to healing that helps individuals uncover the underlying truth behind their diseases. We believe that this truth, which we refer to as “the root,” is hidden within the individual and has led to your illness, suffering, and pain. The center aims to guide individuals in returning to a state of wholeness and rediscovering joy in their lives.
We are dedicated to supporting each individual’s spiritual and physical journey of self-discovery and recovery. By peeling-back the layers of one’s self, individuals can discover the hidden truth within themselves about their illness. The center encourages individuals to awaken and transform into a more enlightened perspective of who they are and what they carry within. We invite individuals to embark on an adventurous journey of discovery and to embrace a new reality. We invite you to come taste and drink the healing waters of hope and love awaiting you.
To find out more or ask questions about our next session of the online Sufi Spiritual Healing Center, please call Maryam Shamsa Jennie Woodard at +1 512-299-5561, or email