A special first-time Ramadan event:
Murshid Dr Ibrahim Jaffe is holding a 2-day Ramadan Enrichment Retreat…
Pulling Back the Veils that Keep Us from the Unity
Are you feeling the holy light of Ramadan drawing you inward to listen for how you can best serve God?
Or, are you feeling a deep light and love entering into your life that you just want to merge with?
The time has come to get to know that Divine Light.
This is a crucial, yet powerful time to consciously surrender to the unveiling and revelations of the secrets within you in order to move deeply in the soul.
This sacred retreat will be full of deep Sufi teachings and healing transmitted through the unique Light present only during Ramadan.
In preparation for the final 10 days of Ramadan, you will learn to purify, clean, and remove self-sabotage, darkness, or insecurity that is veiling you from taking your next steps. This makes way for God’s Highest Light to illuminate your way forward and allow in the deep light of mercy and forgiveness to enter.
Murshid Ibrahim Jaffe invites you to this powerful weekend dedicated to a small group of 30 individuals to assist you in your spiritual walking and deepest personal healing.
This is sure to be a powerful retreat. God willing, if you feel drawn to attend, you can register online below.
This Advanced 2-DAY Retreat Intensive Includes:
Praying and Receiving Guidance for the Last 10 Days of Ramadan
A Private Khalwa on the Second Evening

Ramadan Enrichment Retreat
Pulling Back the Veils that Keep Us from the Unity
April 16th & 17th

During this retreat, Ibrahim will be helping you journey deep within yourself in order to lift the veils and receive the guidance, healing, and answers to prayers that you need.
Join this retreat to make the most of this holy inner walking, and to feed your soul for the journey that God is revealing to you, step-after-step.
Open to receive the clear guidance and in order to stand strongly in the Light of what God is asking YOU to do.
This Sufi intensive retreat is not for everyone!
This retreat is for you if…
- You feel a deep calling to do MORE, but aren’t sure exactly what that is.
- God has given you the guidance to take a big step in your life, but something is holding you back.
- Ramadan is calling your heart into deep reflection and purification with God.
- You are willing to do whatever it takes to be in proximity to God.
This retreat is NOT for you if…
- You aren’t aligned with the Sufi teachings or a have a desire to learn more about them in order to go deeper and closer to God.
- The ability to walk and heal quickly to be closer to God through the light of the Prophets is not something you are interested in.
- Guidance on how to live in a more aligned and holy life is not something you can commit to make a priority in your life.
If you are not sure if this is for you or you have any questions, please contact:
Call: 1-888-237-5233 ext. 1
Email: courses@drjaffemd.com
The healing and sailing intensive was one of the most beautiful and profound retreats I have ever experienced. That week with Ibrahim I was able to break through old patterns that have been with me my entire life. Even after I left the boat I felt like I took Allah’s Ship of Safety with me in my heart. ~ D.R.M.
“This reminds us that that aim of the month of Ramadan is to burn the veils which prevent us from experiencing Allah’s omnipresence.” – Rosina-Fawzia Al-Rawi
Join Dr. Jaffe for this very special weekend of deep purification and guidance.
Two payment options are available below. *
* A portion of the proceeds will be going towards a special donation or offering that Ibrahim will be bringing to Jerusalem to help serve those who are suffering and in great need at this time.
If you have questions, please contact our enrollments team:
Call: 1-888-237-5233 ext. 1
Email: courses@drjaffemd.com
Murshid Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe is a physician, a sufi master, or Murshid, has been given authority to guide and help people to walk through these levels and reach towards Unity. For over twenty years he has been guiding people on the Sufi way. Many people have reached the Divine Presence through his help, and found the journey itself to God to be amazing and wonderful.